von Braun Labs and #Data

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About Tec-Days

About Tec-Days

Tec-Days organized by Von Bran Labs and #Data present relevant technologies for their business in a practical way and with real demonstrations of how technologies can contribute to their business. Come learn with us more about Internet of Things, Semiconductor Design, Quantum Technologies and Industry 4.0.


Centro de Pesquisas Avançadas Wernher von Braun - Campinas - SP, or in site, according to schedulings.

Will also occur events in Manaus-AM, Brazil.


April and May, 2023
or scheduled.

Tec-Days Contents

Get to know some of the available content

Speaker 1

Internet of Things

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Speaker 2


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Speaker 3

Quantum Technologies

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Speaker 4

Industry 4.0

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Next events

This is a possible format for the event that can also be adjusted

Contact us to organize a tec-day according to the most suitable format for your company

Tec-Day April 20th, 2023 - Semiconductors

Accreditation and networking

Keynote Dario Sassi Thober

Welcome and event opening

Design Flow

The semiconductor design flow: digital, analog to manufacture

Chip War

Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology

Semiconductor as a Service

New business paradigm in semiconductors

Hands-On Workshop

Full design of a digital block chip, including simulation, FPGA test and file generation to Foundry

Cocktail and discussions

Hall von Braun Labs

Tec-Day 04/05/23 - Internet das Coisas

Credenciamento e networking

Keynote Dario Sassi Thober

Boas vindas e abertura do evento

Aplicaçãoes e IOT

Contexto mundial e soluções

Estudo de caso

Estudo de caso de economia gerada com solução IOT

Oficina hands on IOT

Crie uma solução IOT do zero em 2 horas: incluindo hardware, software e dashboard

Coquetel e discussões

Hall von Braun Labs

Tec-Day 18/05/23 - Tecnologias Quânticas

Credenciamento e networking

Keynote Dario Sassi Thober

Boas vindas e abertura do evento


Tecnologias Quânticas


Computação Quântica: principios básicos e aplicações


Como implementar algoritmos na nuvem

Comunicação quântica

Dos single photons ao protocolo de teletransporte quântico

Coquetel e discussões

Hall von Braun Labs
